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Con este contenido de curso profesional el alumnado alcanzará un nivel elemental de comprensión oral y escrita; en expresión e interacción oral y escrita que permita intercambios comunicativos muy simples y controlados sobre temas familiares y habituales destinados a satisfacer necesidades de tipo inmediato, con hablantes que se esfuerzan en hacerse entender.
Unit 7. A Good Holiday1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary: Hotels4. Grammar. Present simple vs present continuous5. Listening5.1 Listening 1: Family holidays5.2 Listening 2: Going abroad6. Writing7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 SituationKey ideasUnit 8. Where are you?1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary: Location4. Grammar. Prepositions of place5. Listening5.1 Listening 1: A nice journey5.2 Listening 2: A bad trip6. Writing7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 SituationKey ideasUnit 9. Did you do it?1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary: Regular verbs4. Grammar. Past simple5. Listening5.1 Listening 1: A funny meal5.2 Listening 2: A proposal6. Writing7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 SituationKey ideasUnit 10. Get ready, have a break, go for it!1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary: Get, go, have and do4. Grammar. Di/didn´t5. Listening5.1 Listening 1: Time for school5.2 Listening 2: Columbus6. Writing7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 SituationKey ideasUnit 11. How was it?1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary: Irregular verbs4. Grammar. Past simple (did; -ed)5. Listening5.1 Listening 1: Last holidays5.2 Listening 2: A good friendship6. Writing7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 SituationKey ideasUnit 12. Hot and Cold1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary: Numbers, months and seasons4. Grammar. Past simple of irregular verbs.5. Listening5.1 Listening 1: Celebrations5.2 Listening 2: Wonderful Places 6. Writing7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 SituationKey ideas