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Formato | Digital |
Proveedor | HABILON |
132,00 €
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Capacitar al alumnado para utilizar el idioma con flexibilidad, eficacia y precisión para participar en todo tipo de situaciones, en los ámbitos personal, público, académico y profesional, que requieran comprender, producir y procesar textos orales y escritos extensos y complejos, en diversas variedades estándar de la lengua, con un repertorio léxico amplio, y que versen sobretemas tanto abstractos como concretos, incluso aquellos con los que el hablante no esté familiarizado.Este programa formativo proporcionará a los alumnos la formación en lengua inglesa necesariapara que puedan presentarse a las pruebas de acreditación oficial del nivel C1 del Marco ComúnEuropeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL).
Unit 1. Feeling English1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Emotions/Feelings3.3Personality attributes3.3 Ideals and concepts3.4 Events and movements3.5 States3.6 Ideas4. Grammar4.1 To have (Auxiliary verb; Possession; “Taking” food; Periphrastic use; Causative use; Idioms)5. Listening6. Writing6.1 You can be able to write an article7. Speaking7.1 Syllable stress8. Key ideasUnit 2. Dear sir or madam1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Lexical areas 4. Grammar4.1 Coordinating conjunctions4.2 Subordinating conjunctions4.3 Adverbials 5. Listening6. Writing6.1 A formal email7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 3. Bounce Back1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Warfare and Conflict4. Grammar4.1 Past simple4.2 Past continuous4.3 Past perfect simple4.4 Past perfect continuous4.5 Used to/ would5. Listening6. Writing6.1 Descriptive essay7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 4. What are you like1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Personality4. Grammar4.1 Personal Pronouns4.2 Possessive Pronouns4.3 Relative Pronouns4.4 Reflexive Pronouns4.5 Reciprocal Pronouns4.6 Indefinite Pronouns4.7 Impersonal Pronouns: “it” and “there”5. Listening6. Writing6.1 Write the perfect UK-style CV 7. Speaking7.1Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 5. Get used to it!1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Meanings of the Word Get4. Grammar4.1 To Get, forms and uses5. Listening6. Writing6.1 Article: life 50 years ago7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 6. It’s high time you do it!1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Expressions with “time”4. Grammar4.1 Adverbs and adverbial expressions5. Listening6. Writing6.1 A cover letter 7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideaUnit 7. Rolling in money1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Money4. Grammar4.1 Inversions5. Listening6. Writing6.1 Argumentative essay7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 8. You have a call!1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Phones and technology 4. Grammar4.1 Modal verbs: the basics 4.2 Modal verbs for speculation and deduction4.3 Comparation between speculation/deduction and other functions5. Listening6. Writing6.1 The discursive essay 7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 9. It’s a must-read!1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Expressions about books and films 4. Grammar4.1 “Distancing” (to distance ourselves from a statement)5. Listening6. Writing6.1 Film review7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 10. Safe and sound1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Specifically on general sounds and human voice sounds4. Grammar4.1 Will future5. Listening6. Writing6.1 What does unreal past refer to?6.2 The use of WISH and IF ONLY6.3 The use of WOULD RATHER and IT’S TIME7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideas Unit 11. Extracurricular activities1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Prefixes4. Grammar4.1 Verb Patterns 5. Listening6. Writing6.1 Informal letter7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 12. That’s a work of art!1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Art4. Grammar4.1 Conditionals sentences4.2 Types of conditional sentences5. Listening6. Writing6.1 The formal letter7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 13. You must keep fit!1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 The word “health”4. Grammar4.1 Modal verbs (Permission; Necessity; Obligation)5. Listening6. Writing6.1 Descriptive essay: 7 steps7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 14. The green-eyed monster1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 What are compound adjectives?4. Grammar4.1 Hear, see, smell, feel, taste4.2 Look/feel/smell/sound/taste + adjective/noun4.3 Seem/look5. Listening6. Writing6.1 What is a CV?7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 15. I enjoyed travelling with you1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Travel and Tourism4. Grammar4.1 Advanced gerunds and infinitives 5. Listening6. Writing6.1 The article is a widespread type of writing7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 16. The future of the planet1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Environment and pollution4. Grammar4.1. Expressing the future4.2 Present Simple for Future Events4.3 Present Continuous for Future Events4.4 Will or Be going to?5. Listening6. Writing6.1 The cover letter7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 17. Die or Dye?1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 CONFUSING WORDS. Pairs of confusing words4. Grammar4.1 Ellipsis4.2 Leaving out subjects and auxiliaries4.3 Leaving out verb phrases or adjectives5. Listening6. Writing6.1 Write a perfect argumentative essay.7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 18. Please, take a bow1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Abstract nouns4. Grammar4.1 Possessive forms. Specifying or Classifying possessives4.2 Compounds nouns 5. Listening6. Writing6.1 Writing a practical introduction and conclusion7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 19. Sweet like chocolate!1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Cooking4. Grammar4.1 Relative clauses5. Listening6. Writing6.1 Write a review7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideasUnit 20. It’s Money that I Love!1. Do you remember these words?2. Reading3. Vocabulary3.1 Work4. Grammar4.1 Cleft sentences4.2 Types of cleft sentences5. Listening6. Writing6.1 The letter of recommendation 7. Speaking7.1 Pronunciation7.2 Situation8. Key ideas